The Seder Night

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shutterstockIn the Wake of Passover
The spiritual uplift one experiences during Passover leaves an imprint on the soul which remains fixed there even after the exalted days of the holiday have passed.
  • Derech Cheirus
    I have acid reflux, and as a result I never drink any alcohol, since it gives me severe heartburn. I also have difficulty tolerating grape juice, which does not agree with me. Am I required to drink either wine or grape juice for the four cups at the Seder?
  • The Birth of a Nation
    Much like a child being born, the nation of Israel broke through the waters of the red sea and were then fed directly by G-d until they were ready to stand on their own.
  • The Mitzvah to Halt from Work
    The marriage of a young adherent of Rabbi Yaakov Yosef of Polonne is threatened by opposition to Hassidism. Until an elderly Count tells an incredible story...
  • The Laws of Matza
    A – The Mitzva of Eating Matza; B - Matza Shemura (Protected/Guarded Matza); C – Does the Protection have to be done with the Intention of Fulfilling a Mitzva?; D – The Fitness of Hand-made vs. Machine-made Matzot for the Mitzva of Eating Matza; E – Is there a Special Value in Eating Hand-made Matzot throughout Pesach?; F – Water that has Stayed Overnight; G – Preventing Fermentation during Kneading; H – More Laws about the Matzot;
  • Making Seder Night a Family Experience
    If you want to give family members a sense of participation on Seder night, it is important to involve everybody already at the preparatory stage. Youngsters who prepare in advance will feel a part of the Seder, and they will look forward to it.
  • Afikoman - The Taste of Matza
    The end of the seder is a transitional period. We leave the intense study of y’tzi’at Mitzrayim behind and move on to the time where it will again just be mentioned. Perhaps the taste that lingers is a message. Take some of the intensity and the depth of the seder experience and have it linger on as long as it can.
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